الشهادات المهنية

Lease (LOS 2020) شرح سامح الليثي 15

Lease (LOS 2020) شرح سامح الليثي 15

نجيب سؤال في السريع من اكسس جليم
.Lease (LOS 2020) شرح سامح الليثي 15 Lease (LOS 2020) شرح سامح الليثي 15

Question: 3 The amount recorded initially by the lessee as a lease liability should normally
A. Exceed the total of the lease payments.
B. Exceed the present value of the lease payments at the beginning of the lease.
C. Equal the total of the lease payments.
D. Equal the present value of the lease payments at the beginning of the lease.
طبعا السؤال بيسئل على بالونة الlease liability
واحنا قلنا
Lease liability. At the lease commencement date, a lease liability is measured at the present value of the lease payments to be made over the lease term.

1) The lease payments are discounted using the discount rate for the lease.
a) It is the rate implicit in the lease, if known to the lessee.
b) If not, it is the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate .


The lease payments used to calculate the lease liability depend on the specific terms of each lease contract

وعليه نتصور اما:
a) If the lease includes a purchase option that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise, the lease payments consist of the following:

i) Rental payments
ii) Exercise price of the purchase option

b) If no purchase option exists, the lease payments may have the following three components:
i) Rental payments
ii) Any penalties for terminating the lease (nonrenewal penalties)
iii) Amounts probable of being owed by the lessee under residual value guarantees

يبقى سؤال زي ده ياخد ثانيتين في الامتحان
طبعا الاجابة a تستبعد لانه بيقولك ال lease liability تبقى اكبر من lease payments
ازاي ده الlease liability اصلا خصم للlease payments
اما الاجابة b
Exceed the present value of the lease payments at the beginning of the lease
The amount recorded initially should be the present value of the lease payments.
اما c
C. Equal the total of the lease payments.
ما قلنا مخصومة بقى
The amount recorded initially should be a present value. Thus, it is less than the total of the lease payments.
اما d هي الصح
D. Equal the present value of the lease payments at the beginning of the lease.
وده اللي شرحناه فوق:
Answer (D) is correct.
The lessee records a lease as an asset and a liability at the present value of the lease payments. The discount rate is the lessor’s implicit interest rate (if known) or the lessee’s
incremental borrowing rate of interest. Lease payments include the rental payments required during the lease term and the amount of
a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise it. If no such option exists, the lease payments equal the sum of
(1) the rental payments, (2) the amount of residual value guaranteed by the lessee, and (3) any nonrenewal penalty imposed.
طيب نرجع لموضوعنا ونخش من البوست اللي جاي على
Lessee Accounting for Finance Leases — Subsequent Measurement
يسر الله الامر وأعان


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